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Metabolic Nutri-Profile

Metabolic Cooking's special Metabolic Nutri-Profile is the system used in all the recipes throughout Metabolic Cooking so you can see precisely what nutrients you're taking in and make sure that each meal is making the most out of your metabolic rate.


Most people like to make things a touch complicated when it comes to planning their diet and often resort to accurately weighing their meals and counting every last mili-calorie.


While you might feel like this guarantees you will get results, all it really does is drive your stress level through the roof, and make you fall off the fat loss wagon.


That's why the Metabolic Nutri-Profile takes a VERY SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE approach that does NOT require complicated scientific calculations.


It is by far the best all-in-one meal management system we could find.

Metabolic Cooking uses a really great "profiling system" for its recipes.
10 Cooking And Nutrition Rules

Learn Metabolic Cooking's non-negotiable and essential principles to be successful with your fat loss goals.

How To Beat The Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon

You will learn what, when and how to eat in order to burn the fat non-stop, faster, and keep it off FOREVER.

How To Create Your Own Individualized Fat Loss Meal Plan

You will know exactly how to create, tweak, and adhere to a PERFECT fat loss meal plan that is completely individualized to fit YOUR particular needs.

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